this is just kinda like rant but more emotional ig

i think the idea that pepole cant change is stupid. the idea that you were born unloved or unloving is stupid. i think you will always be able to love wether its romantic, platonic, or anything else. you will never be able to convince me that there isnt one person who dosent love you on this planet because we have over 8 BILLION pepole on this rock. you dont know.. you could be somebodys dream. sometimes youve just gotta think about all the possobilities. theres a man who standed over 8 feet, i think if that man was able to be alive there is someone alive right now who cares about you. i thought about one day (i was just daydreaming) about if there was a person on the planet who had some crazy kind of heterocromia and other bith marks and i thought to my self, no way but then i realised how many pepole are currently on the planet and how many who have been and then i realised then 1000% at least a chance that a person in my daydream at least existed. it coudl have been 100 years ago or maybe 10000000 but thst dosent change the fact that they existed. and i think about stuff like that every day. if a person over 8 feet tall, if a person, whith amazing birth marks can exist, why cant someone who loves you? they do.

PEPOLE NEED TO STOP WORRYING ABOUT BEING WEIRDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! pepole are generally afataid of what they dont know and thats okay but i think making fun of someone for an intrest will always be stupid. 'oh omg you like this????? but i dont like it and i think its weird grrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' hey thats okay,, im not saying you gotta understand or like it! just dont call me weird, dont bully me for not caring if im loud or if im kinda slow. maybe say im over wheight thats okay so dont point and stare. what will that ever do for either me or you? and maybe you just find it funny. but what is so funny about it. i just dont understand... AND THATS OKAY!! its fine.

i will never understand homosexuality to be a sin (im not religius i js kthink abt this a lot). why should loving pepole ever be a sin?

go backkkkkkkkk